During in the early seventies, one of Britain´s most successful comic artists provided Who illustrations to support the program listings in the Radio Times. Frank Bellamy´s work was made famous to a generation through the Eagle and TV21 comics, among others.
His first Radion Times Who contribution appeared in 10 April, 1971, a two and a half page comic strip introduction (two of which were in full colour) based on episode one of the story ´Colony In Space´ (main frame of which below).

From January, 1972, Bellamy started an intermittent run of small illustrations to accompany the episode details in the magazine, the majority of which were only slightly larger than a postage stamp, appearing throughout the rest of Pertwee´s portrayal of the third Doctor.
However the highlight of this period was his full colour cover illustion for ´Doctor Who - Day of the Daleks´ (RT 1st - 7th January 1972) and now a very collectable issue, if you can find one. He is one of only two artists to illustrate Who covers for the RT (the other being Andrew Skilleter for the ´Five Doctors´ anniversary issue)

With the beginning of Tom Baker regin, larger illustrations accompanied the start of some stories, the last being 'The Planet of Evil' in July 1976, the year in which he died.
His work as 'the' Dr. Who artist was reprinted in a book edited by his son David in "
Dr. Who Timeview: The Complete Doctor Who Illustrations of Frank Bellamy”, published by Who Dares in 1985.

You can find listings of his complete works
here (from which the following list is edited), and a detailed blog
here. There´s not much of his work available online, although a gallery of his dalek illustrations can be seen
Doctor and Dalek, for episode 2 of Planet of the DaleksI haven´t found full page scans from any of the Radio Times issues showing Frank Bellamy´s work in context. It would be a nice collection to have, especially for the larger illustrations, so if anyone has them...
Frank Bellamy Radio Times Doctor Who Illustrations ListingColony in Space (10 - 16/04/1971) Page 14 one quarter page B&W comic strip, Doctor, Jo (“What is it?”) & shadowy figure. Pages 53-55 Two full colour pages, Dr (“We´ll just have a look around and then I´ll try and get you back to earth”) & Jo and two-thirds B&W illustration
The Daemons (22 - 28/05/1971) Page 15 B&W Doctor and Jo Grant in Bessie screeching to Devil's End with Miss Hawthorne
Spearhead from space (03 - 09/07/1971) p.41 B&W Doctor
Spearhead from space (10 - 16/07/1971) p.43 B&W Doctor [Reprint of 3-9/7/1971]
The Daemons - omnibus edition (18 - 31/12/1971) p.75 B&W The Master and Doctor
Day of the Daleks (01 - 07/01/1972) Colour cover - Doctor and Daleks
The Curse of Peladon (29/01 - 04/02/1972) p.17 B&W Aggedor
The Curse of Peladon (05 - 11/02/1972) p.15 B&W Alpha Centauri
The Curse of Peladon (12 - 18/02/1972) p.17 B&W Izlyr, the Ice Warrior
The Curse of Peladon (19 - 25/02/1972) p.17 B&W Arcturus
The Sea Devils (04 - 10/03/1972) p.19 B&W The Master
The Sea Devils (11 - 17/03/1972) p.15 B&W submarine
The Sea Devils (18 - 24/03/1972) p.20 B&W Sea Devil
The Sea Devils (25 - 31/03/1972) p.5 & p.19 B&W Doctor [repeated image]
The Sea Devils (01 - 07/04/1972) p. 15 B&W Jo
The Mutants (08 - 14/04/1972) p. 15 B&W spaceship
The Mutants (15 - 21/04/1972) p.17 B&W Jo
The Mutants (22 - 28/04/1972) p. 15 B&W Doctor
The Mutanta (29/04 - 05/05/1972) p.17 B&W The Tardis
The Mutants (06 - 12/05/1972) p.15 B&W guard
The Mutants (13 - 19/05/1972) p. 17 B&W Solonian mutant
Time Monster (20 - 26/05/1972) p. 15 B&W Doctor ¨[Reprint of 22-28/4/1972]
Time Monster (17 - 23/06/1972) p. 17 B&W The Master [Reprint of 4-10/3/1972]
The Sea Devils [Omnibus edition] (16 - 29/12/1972) p.82 B&W Doctor (“The whole place will go up in approximately ten minutes, enjoy your revenge”), the Master and Sea Devil
The Three Doctors (06 - 12/01/1973) p.15 B&W Patrick Troughton
The Three Doctors (13 - 19/01/1973) p.17 B&W William Hartnell
The Three Doctors (20 - 26/01/1973) p.17 B&W Jon Pertwee
The Carnival of Monsters (03 - 09/02/1973) p.13 B&W Pletrac (guard)
The Carnival of Monsters (10 - 16/02/1973) p.15 B&W Drashig
The Carnival of Monsters (17 - 23/02/1973) p.15 B&W Doctor
Frontier in Space (24/02 - 02/03/1973) p.17 B&W Draconian
Frontier in Space (03 - 09/03/1973) p.17 B&W Ogran
Frontier in Space (10 - 16/03/1973) p.15 B&W guard
Frontier in Space (17 - 23/03/1973 p.19 B&W the Master
Frontier in Space (24 - 30/03/1973) p.17 B&W Draconian
Frontier in Space (31/03 - 06/04/1973) p.15 B&W Doctor
Planet of the Daleks (07 - 13/04/1973) p.15 B&W Tardis
Planet of the Daleks (14 - 20/04/1973) p.14 B&W Doctor and Dalek
Planet of the Daleks (21 - 27/04/1973) p.15 B&W Jo and Dalek
Planet of the Daleks (28 - 04/05/1973) p.17 B&W Dalek
Planet of the Daleks (05 - 11/05/1973) p.16 B&W Doctor
Planet of the Daleks (12 - 18/05/1973) p.15 B&W Doctor
The Green Death (19 - 25/05/1973) p.17 B&W Doctor
The Green Death (26/05 - 01/06/1973) p.17 B&W of Jo in miner's helmet
The Green Death (02 - 08/06/1973) p.17 B&W maggots
The Green Death (09 - 15/06/1973) p.15 B&W Doctor and exploding mine mechanism
The Green Death (16 - 22/06/1973) p.17 B&W Jo and maggots
The Green Death (23 - 29/06/1973) p. 19 B&W Doctor and Bessie
Ark in Space [Omnibus edition] (16 - 22/08/1975) p.34 B&W landscape illustration, small snip of Doctor (Tom Baker), the ark, and the Wirrn
Terror of the Zygons (30/08 - 05/09/75) p.6 Two-thirds page colour illustration of the Doctor (“Whe´re dealing with a monstor of no ordinary flesh and blood”) and Loch Ness monster. p.17 B&W Oil Rig illustration to accompany the programme listing
Planet of Evil (27/09 - 03/10/1975) p. 19 Part reprint of Ark in Space 16/08/1975 - 22/8/75
Genesis of the Daleks (20/12 - 02/01/1976) pp 60-61 B&W Landscape comic tryptic - Doctor and Davros and Daleks (below)
The Seeds of Doom (31/01 - 06/02/1976) p. 55 B&W Sarah Jane and The Doctor
The Planet of Evil (03/07 - 09/07/1976) p. 26 B&W landscape illustration