Random Ramblings of a Dilusional Depressive with Megalomanic Mania
(and a soft spot for cute chicks in short skirts).
Monday, 25 July 2011
Who Tube
Some days we discover amazing things. Some days we forget them. And some days we blog. The above comes from 'Science, Reason and Critical Thinking - Waving a Shitty Stick at Irrational Nonsense', and is, I think, explained far better by its original designer than I could ever attempt. Visit here.
I like tube maps. I recently saw that some bright spark developed an updated tube map which showed the realtive distances between stops. Good bit of self-advertising for someone's graphic design talents I thought to myself. If only I could find it now to share with you all. Did a quick Google and all I can find is a load of waffle about pocket maps, zones and some guy called Boris. Who the heck is he?!
PS I think the owner of 'Science, Reason and Critical Thinking - Waving a Shitty Stick at Irrational Nonsense' should get his shitty stick ready, cause there's more irrational nonsense here that you can shake a pointy thing at...
"Who Tube" why didn't I think of that